The Movement Mama

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The Truth about Posture

We all know good posture is important, and yet it eludes so many of us. Explore how the spine is meant to work and some common postural pitfalls.

When you feel tight, is stretching ALWAYS the answer?

Is the stiffness you feel indicative of something more insidious than simple tightness? Learn about the concept of MICROINSTABILITY, which often lies at the root of pain and arthritic change, as well as what you can do to combat it.

Understanding Muscle length

Is it simply exercise that makes muscles STRONG or WEAK or is there more to it? Dive into the concept of the length-tension relationship and how you can best set your muscles up for success.

Is it possible to breathe…WRONG?!

We breathe all day long. But are we doing it correctly? Learn about the diaphragm, what it does and how to use it.

Are you intrinsically motivated?

Explore a simple way of thinking about the musculoskeletal system as composed of 2 groups of muscles: the intrinsics, or deep muscles, and the extrinsics, the big guys. Which are you working?